




ReverseGeocode works badly (returns nonsense)
Users of my app are complaining about incorrect GPS location decoding. I found that the bug is in the reverseGeocode, because it returns nonsensical results. Example: The user is located in Oberhausen, Deutschland at coordinates 51.482015, 6.887064. ReverseGeocode decodes the coordinates as "Oberhausen bei Kirn". It is mistaken 250 km! ReverseGeocode works like this: 51.48, 6.88 - Oberhausen (OK) 51.482, 6.887 - Oberhausen bei Kirn (Error) 51.48, 6.89 - Oberhausen (OK) Test result: If the coordinate precision is greater than 2 decimal places, the reverseGeocode does not work properly. From what the user told me, more apps behave like this. Probably all that work with precise coordinates.
May ’24
How to get information about all crashes from TestFlight?
In TestFlight I have the problem that I only get crash information from a small fraction of testers. I assume this is because when the application crashes, it responds "No Thanks" when asked to share information with the developer. Is this really the case? What's the point of testing if all I see is the crash counter popping up and I'm not getting any error reports? Installation can be conditioned on acceptance with a "Term of service" that says crash reports will be shared. Without accepting the conditions, the application cannot be installed. But I don't know if this consent has any effect on sending error reports. Does it have any effect on sending error messages? Can anyone advise me what I should set to get such a prompt before installation. Alternatively, how can I arrange to receive more crash reports? Or should I use another service that will give me reports of all errors? Maybe Crashlytics?
Mar ’24
TestFlight - crazy numbers of crashes
Does anyone know how TestFlight counts the number of installs, sessions and crashes? I'm seeing totally insane numbers. I don't understand. Right now for the latest beta it shows me: number of installs "-", number of sessions 19 and number of crashes 36. What's that supposed to mean? When I look at the individual testers, sometimes there's already complete crap there. For example, there is a user who has reached 1180 crashes in 13 runs. What? Can you imagine a person who runs an application 1180 times and it crashes? I don't. What's really best, TestFlight gives me almost no crash logs. There were a few from the early betas, but none the last few days. Do you know of any other tool from which I get consistent information on absolutely all crashes?
Mar ’24
How to get a snapshot from MKMapSnapshotter with MKTileOverlay?
MKMapView contains an addOverlay function that adds an MKTileOverlay overlay to the map. This is easy to do.  It is not possible to get a snapshot of such a composite view.   To get a snapshot of the map use MKMapSnapshotter, with which getting a screenshot is easy. But MKMapSnapshotter only gives a snapshot of the map without overlay layers. The overlay layers have to be added to the snapshot afterwards.  And that's the problem. I don't know how and MKTileOverlay to get an image that I can merge with the map snapshot. How to get a map image with a tile overlay? Thanks for any advice.
Feb ’23
Does anyone's WeatherKit work on a real device?
I'm working on an app with WeatherKit. The app works on the simulator, but it doesn't work on the real device. Calling " ..." never returns data or an error. do { let weather = try await myPlace) print(weather) // always on the simulator, never on the device     } catch { // never gets a call    print(error) } I'm using the latest beta on my device. Apple's TestFlight sample app doesn't work on the device, but it works fine on the simulator. Does anyone's WeatherKit work on a real device?
Jul ’22